cFosSpeed - All SPD commands

Detailed description of spd commands (with examples)

spd command – overview

To use spd commands you can enter them on the cFosSpeed console, which can be open by
START/Programs/cFosSpeed/cFosSpeed Console

If you enter the command spd help you get the following list of commands:

set port specific variable (set <v> /? for help)
module <name> on/off
switch module <name> on or off
perf on/off
switch statistics display on/off
close LAN port
send a echo request.
set the TTL for outgoing test pings.
show current shaper settings.
set connection characteristics (medium /? for help)
clear the traffic shaping settings for this connection.

add a new traffic class or change settings on an existing one.

-speed <x>
sets the speed to <x>. use ‘inf’ to specify infinite speed.
-prio <x>
sets the priority to <x>
-dscp <x>
set DSCP value of packets to <x>. use ‘none’ to not set.
clears the stats.
print all classes with stats. accepts a wildcard like ‘*’ or ‘f*’. -clear clear stats afterwards.

show/add/modify filters. -print prints filters after the operation.

<no option>
show all filters
-A <f>
append filter <f> at the end.
-D <num>
delete filter at position <num>
-I <num> <f>
insert filter <f> at position <num>
-R <num> <f>
replace filter at position <num> with filter <f>
-M <old> <new>
move filter from position <old> to <new>

reload settings from ini file.

reload filters

save filter/class settings to ini file.

save classes
save classes or filters.
addkey <section> <key>
add <key> to <section> in settings.ini
delkey <section> <key>
delete <key> from <section> in settings.ini
showsect <section>
show section <section> in settings.ini
show firewall statistics (-clear to clear after display)
show all filter statistics (-clear to clear after display)
print global network protocol statistics
print ping statistics (-clear clears stats after printing)
list of tcp connections (-cps for cps, -vol for volume)
show active budget’s settings and stats
start a burst of data to check line speed
list all ports
show packet counters
print cFosSpeed version info
on/off/in/out/net/app/ign/ip/ipr dump of network packets
set global variable (-save to save it to ini file)
print tcpview statistics
print known program names
reset online budget

Description of spd commands (with examples)

spd set

With spd command set different cFosSpeed ​​values ​​can be set manually. You can get an overview of all values ​​by simply entering  spd set.

If you want to change a value manually,the following command structure applies : spd set = ‘value’.

To get detailed instruction, type set /?

Example: Output from spd set


C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd set
avg_time = 4000
budget = 0
burst_cnt = 3
curr_max_rx = 791599
curr_max_tx = 1055763
delay_auto = 1
fixed = 0
high_diff_cnt = 1683
inhibit_bridged = 0
low_diff_cnt = 1360
maxdelay = 24102267
maxiplen = 1492
maxrx = 6030441
maxtxacked = 1433436
maxtxraw = 1445060
medium = adaptive (0)
method = adaptive (8)
mindelay = 8186
net_talk = 1
net_talk_bcast =
perf = 0
ping_cnt = 113804
pong_cnt = 103173
record_packet_sizes_rx = 0
reg_id = 3
rx_delay = 20000
rx_limit = inf
rx_width = 1497
tcp_cons = 42836
time_used = 885530
tx_bounce_cnt = 5
tx_delay = 10000
tx_limit = inf
tx_width = 1000
txspeed = 1517313
udp_cons = 42679
vari_fixed = 0
variance = 5121
vollso = 9699544186 (9250M)
volrsc = 0 (0)
volrx = 19347327844 (18.01G)
voltxacked = 10165906693 (9694M)
voltxraw = 11648109237 (10.84G)
wperf = 0

Example: Changing the fixed value to 1

C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd set fixed=1
fixed = 1
spd ping

The spd command ping sends a single measuring ping. The current value of the ping time then flashes briefly in the numerical cFosSpeed ​​status window. In the example this is the value 8 ms


C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd ping
spd sethops
With the command sethops you can set the ttl value of the cFosSpeed measure pings. Just set the number i for the value. The output is: “addhops 2+i (ttl i)“, where first you get the variation from the default value (2). Then you get the current and new ttl-value. Hint: The command only works, if you are online. If you are not you will get the error message: cannot perform command; section name still unknown Example: set ttl-value to 5
C:\Programs\cFosSpeed>spd sethops 5
add_hops = 3 (ttl 5)
see also:
spd speed

With the spd command “speed”, you get an overview of various traffic shaping values. The most important are:

  • maxrx – maximum download bandwidth in cps
  • method – Information about the transmission method used: PPPoE, PPPoA, PPPtP, Cable, etc.
  • addhops – here the current ttl value is displayed in brackets.
  • pingcnt – total number of pings sent
  • pongcnt – total number of ping responses (pongs) received
  • txspeed – Upload bandwidth in cps
C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd speed
Current shaper settings (v13.00.3000):
maxtxraw=1445K maxtxacked=1433K maxrx=6030K avg_time=4000
mindelay=7441 variance=3896 vari_fixed=0
reg_id=3 method=adaptive (8) pinger=udp_km3
voltxraw=10.86G voltxacked=9704M volrx=18.36G time_used=10d 7h
maxiplen=1492 rx_limit=inf tx_limit=inf inhibit_bridged=0
ping_cnt=115966 pong_cnt=105300 (90.8%) burst_cnt=3
adapter=WIFI link speed: rx=108.3M tx=43.87M
txspeed=1517K fixed=0 tx_bounce_cnt=5 calibrated=100
tx delay=10000-14896 rx delay=20000-25393 delay_auto=1
spd tsclear

The command “spd tsclear” clears the traffic shaping settings for the current connections. The current data in the corresponding section of the data.ini file is deleted. The connection can now be recalibrated.

C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd tsclear
traffic shaping settings cleared.
spd dump
With the “dump” command you can write a text file (dump.txt) that records all datapackets. Example:
C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd dump ip
dump ip (64)
dump data: IP packets.

C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd dump off
dump off (0)
    on  : turn on writing of dump file
    off : turn off writing of dump file
    in  : dump only incoming data packets
    out : dump only outgoing data packets
    net :
    app :
    ign :
    ip  : dump IP packets (possibly fragmented)
    ipr : dump IP datagrams (after IP reassembly).
spd cstat

The “cstat” command provides upload statistics for sent data packets of the individual cFosSpeed ​​traffic shaping classes (highest, higher, high, default, low and lowest). The first line of the command output indicates whether traffic shaping is enabled. The upload bandwidth in cps (txspeed) and the maximum queue overflow value are also specified here.

C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd cstat
shaping is currently enabled; txspeed = 19659, max_queue_size = 58,977

class highest -prio 100
  sent            2,431 (  4%) packets         68,068 (  0%) bytes
  in queue            0        packets              0        bytes

class higher -prio 90
  sent           16,777 ( 34%) packets        671,716 (  3%) bytes
  in queue            0        packets              0        bytes

class high -prio 80
  sent           10,489 ( 21%) packets      1,235,682 (  5%) bytes
  in queue            0        packets              0        bytes

class default
  sent           14,593 ( 29%) packets     19,897,796 ( 90%) bytes
  in queue            0        packets              0        bytes

class low -prio 0 -speed 25%,-10
  sent            4,820 (  9%) packets        221,720 (  1%) bytes
  in queue            0        packets              0        bytes

class lowest -prio 0 -speed 25%,-30
  sent                0 (  0%) packets              0 (  0%) bytes
  in queue            0        packets              0        bytes

class drop
  dropped             0        packets              0        bytes

queue overflow        0        packets              0        bytes
spd ver

The “spd ver” command outputs information about the currently installed version. The version number, build number and installation date including the installation time are displayed. You will also receive information about the operating system and processor used. Finally, the current installation date is stated as well as the installation and info directories of cFosSpeed.

C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd ver
This is cFosSpeed (x64) v13.00, build 3000
Copyright (c) 2003-2023 Atlas Tech Solutions SM PC -- https://atlas-cfosspeed.comOS: Windows 10 Home Multiprocessor Free (x64) (16 procs) v10.00.22631, LangId 0409
OS build is ???? (x64) (22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250)
CPU: 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1360P, ID 0b06a2h (06_bah, Raptor Lake (Raptor Lake-P))
Time now: 2024-02-07 15:27:44.987 (UTC+1)
Load time: 2024-02-07 15:27:14.748 (UTC+1)
CPU speed: 5762 cfops
Using performance counter running at 10 MHz
Timer resolution is 4 msec (coarsest=15.625)
Driver base address is 0xfffff8062d4f0000; timestamp is 65841734 (2023-12-21 10:45:08 UTC)
Installation directory is "C:\Program Files\cFosSpeed\"
Programdata directory is "C:\ProgramData\cFos\cFosSpeed\"
Licensed to (End-user license) [A10000]
spd gset
With the copmmand spd “gset” some of the cFosSpeed variables are listed. They switched on (1), off (0) or set to certain value. To switch a function on and off or set it to a certain value you can use commands with the folowing structure “spd gset <function>=X” (where X is 1, 0 or the value to be set) If you add “-save” you can save the settings and they will be also set after the next reboot of your system. Enter “spd gset” and you will get:
C:\Programs\cFosSpeed>spd gset
analyze_rtp = 1
auto_burst = 1
avoid_loss = 1
balloon_no_pings = 0
bulk_detect = 1
delay_ndis_completions = 0
dump_arp = 0
dump_ascii = 1
dump_framing = 0
dump_relseq = 0
dump_sessions = 0
dump_tcp_data = 0
dump_udp_data = 1
dump_wshark = 0
expand_rwin = 1
expand_rwin_dest_time = 200
fg_detect = 1
filter_fix = 3
firewall = 0
func_trace = 0
fwlog = 1
global_counters = 0
handle_mss = 0
handle_tsopt = 0
l7_detect = 1
latency = 2
log_sessions = 0
max_dump_size = 16777216 (16 M)
max_expand_rwin_time = 300
max_fwlog_size = 4194304 (4 M)
max_pinglog_size = 1048576 (1 M)
max_queue_time = 1000
max_session_dump_size = 100000
max_session_log_size = 1048576 (1 M)
max_trace_size = 16777216 (16 M)
mcast_router = 0
net_talk_default = 1
net_talk_port = 889
passthru = 0
patch_dns_ttl = 0
ping_fixed = 0
pinglog = 0
prioritize_ssl = 1
reg_id_default = 3
resend_in_queue = 0
router_info = 1
router_stats = 1
rtp_trace = 0
rx_shape = 1
save_in_session = 1
send_usage_metadata = 1
shape = 1
store_dns_names = 1
strict_rtp_check = 1
tcp_warn = 0
traffic_stat = 1
tx_shape = 1
udp_timeout = 10000
user1 = 0
vari_fixed_default = 0
vari_trace = 0
worker_threads = 0

Turn on the firewall:

d:\tools>spd gset firewall=1
firewall = 1
Turn off permanently Traffic Shaping:
C:\Programs\cFosSpeed>spd gset shape=0 -save
shape = 0
value saved.

Turn on/off packet passthru:

C:\Programs\cFosSpeed>spd gset passthru=1
passthru = 1

C:\Programs\cFosSpeed>spd gset passthru=0
passthru = 0
Possible values:
     0 : off
     1 : ignore all packets, pass them on to the next driver immediately.
     2 : ignore all packets, send them through the cFosSpeed connection
         engine, but don't do anything with them.

Disable writing of firewall log file fwlog.txt:

C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd gset fwlog 0 -save
fwlog = 0
value saved.

prevent cFos / cFosSpeed from saving data.ini, budget and traffic stats every 10 minutes: “spd gset save_in_session 0 -save

C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd gset save_in_session 0 -save
save_in_session = 0
value saved.

Specify after how many seconds of inactivity the LAN port (and status window) will be closed automatically:spd gset port_close_time ‘n’ ”

C:\Programme\cFosSpeed>spd gset port_close_time 5
port_close_time = 5
spd reset_budget
With the command spd “reset_budget [n]” you can reset online budget with the number ‘n’ (n=0..9). If ‘n’ is omitted the current budget is reset.
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