List of the most important cFosSpeed features Connections Broadband: Cable and DSL Narrow band: Modem and ISDN Mobile (LTA, UMTS, WiMAX, HSDPA, W-CDMA, WCDMA, CDMA, CDMA2000, 3G Mobile, HSCSD) Media: VDSL DSL, PPPoE DSL, PPPoA (Vcmux and LLC DSL, PPTP Cable ISDN IP over AAL RFC1483/2684 bridged Traffic ShapingMulti-User versionTX and RX-ShapingRWIN ExpansionL7 Protocol AnalysisPrioritization of ProgramsClass Delay ManagementRTP/VoIP DetectionIndividual rules with filter language ExtrasSkinsStatus window on your phone/tabletOnline BudgetsUsage GraphOverview of connectionsFirewallData and packet logging32-Bit and 64-Bit version32+ languages RoutingRouter and dial-up connectionsLAN and WLANRouter and Bridge-ModeVPNMultiple connections simultaneouslyAdjustable routesSeveral IP adresses per adapter OptionsLow-Latency ModeAuto-MTU optimization